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( 来源:  发布日期:2012-02-20 阅读:次)


2、讲师: Wayne Cristaudo 博士(Dr. Wayne Cristaudo,男,香港大学现代语言及文化学院副教授、西方研究学部主任。研究专长:西方哲学和欧洲學術思想史。共出版了15本有关欧洲哲学、文学、政治、神学和社会等范畴的专著和编著。他的专著包括今年出版的“Religion, Redemption, and Revolution: The New Speech Thinking of Franz Rosenzweig and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy” “A Philosophical History of Love”


4、题目: East/ West - different histories , but common challenges and common future?

    5、摘要:This talk will look at the core challenges  problems confronting China and the West. It is the consensus among Western leaders that China needs to democratize. I look at the deep crises presently confronting  Western democracies today and then argue that the issue of democratization is really a red herring, that although their are serious challenges intrinsic to China's economic development, there are  other problems confronting China and the West today of a very similar order. That  is to say, there are common global  challenges, even though the different historical  backgrounds of China and the West means they are differently positioned today to confront them. I conclude by arguing that the challenges understandably force peoples to consider what resources from their past may help them make a better future,at the same time emphasising that the future can never be simply modeled on the past. My emphasis is upon the importance of reimagined  divers historical cultural  resources  which need to be accessed as we must build transnational communities. 