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6 July 2016: Annual conference of Chinese Association for Japanese Studies is widely reported
 The 2-day annual meeting and conference of Chinese Association for Japanese Studies ended on 2 July 2016. This news was reported on major mass media such as People’s Network (人民网), Xinhuanet (新华网) and China Youth Net (中国青年网).  

On 5 July 2015, People’s Network quoted the written address of Mr Tang Jiaxuan in its report of the annual conference of Chinese Association for Japanese Studies. The gist of it is as follows:

As an influential thinker among Chinese foreign policy elite, Mr Tang believes that China-Japan relations are not seemed to be in a death spiral. Positive dynamic in bilateral relations exists but honesty for promise keeping is needed. Japan should break from its harsh confrontational Cold War mindset. A win-win solution for China-Japan relations is not impossible. Japanese failure to address the deepening void in China-Japan relations could be catastrophic. China has consistently referred to its geopolitical strategy as aiming at peaceful development and benign interaction.


For further details of news on major mass media, please refer the following websites:

( a ) Xinhuanet (http://japan.xinhuanet.com/2016-07/05/c_135489424.htm)

( b ) People’s Net (http://japan.people.com.cn/n1/2016/0705/c35465-28525837.html )

( c ) China Youth Net (http://news.youth.cn/gj/201607/t20160705_8232489.html )

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