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30 November 2016: The Fourth Academic Conference of East Asian Bitan Studies

 On 22 November 2016, the fourth Academic Conference of East Asian Bitan Studies was hosted by Professor Wang Yong at IEAS. In this conference, the following keynote speakers presented their findings and shared the outcomes of researches with other attendees:
( a ) Professor Wang Yong : The bitan manuscripts of Zhu Shunshui 
( b ) Professor Wang Baoping : The bitan manuscripts of Ôkôchi Teruna 
( c ) Associate Professor Zhang Xinpeng : A research report on the first bitan between Naito Konan and Luo Zhenyu 
( d ) Professor No Sung Hwan (University of Ulsan, Korea): Manuscripts of bitan between Japanese and Korean medical practitioners
( e ) Associate Professor Yao Qiong : Manuscripts of bitan between Naito Konan and Wen Tingshi  

Three master students Xie Yong, Xiong Cheng and Zhang Xuyi presented their analysis of the bitan manuscripts of Joseon Tongsinsa (Korean official messenger 조선 통신사 ) , the diary written by an ancient Korea prisoner of war Lu Yang and Arato Nakura's magnum opus Shanghai City Brush Dialogue and Gleanings. 

This academic conference showed demonstrable contribution of original research findings that will bring benefits to bitan studies. As a principal research institution of bitan, IEAS will certainly continue its efforts to general knowledge to the wider academic community.


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