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12 June 2016 : Dr Yao Qiong of IEAS was invited to conduct worship research in Japan
2 June 2016: Director of IEAS attended learning conference organized by ZJFHSSC
24 May 2016: Forum on Traditional Japanese Theatrical Art at IEAS
16 May 2016: Five Continents Forum at IEAS
10 May 2016: Encyclopedic Celebrity Forum of Various Schools
5 May 2016: Seminar of Mr Xu Bo at IEAS under the sponsorship of Asia One Foundation
28 April 2016: Two Korean professors of Chonnam National University visited IEAS
28 April 2016: Seminar on Chinese Elements in Japanese Culture
28 April 2016: Vice-President of Zhengzhou University visited IEAS
23 April 2016:Professor Chen Xiafoa attended symposium in memory of Yu the Great
21 April 2016:Seminar on Existing Epigraphs in Korean Peninsula
14 April 2016: IEAS became a philatelic museum
13 April 2016: IEAS Students had a weeklong trip to Japan under sponsorship
9 April 2016: Professor Chen Xiafoa attended academic conference in Shaoxing
7 April 2016 : One Asia Foundation Seminar Series held by IEAS
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